Fun with Directions Lite by Hamaguchi Apps is an app that helps target following directions, improving auditory comprehension and understand specific concepts (e.g. function of objects, actions). The app was developed to be used for children ages 4-6 and can be used to practice listening and reviewing basic concepts related to following directions.




From the simplest of directions (“Touch the cat”) to the more complex (“Give the boy without a hat or glasses, something round that grows on trees and can be red or green.”) your child can grow and learn with this game over time. Colorful, vivid art and animations against a white background combine to create a complete game experience without visual clutter. Sound effects and surprises keep the game engaging! This app is a great choice for a toddler/preschooler, or any young/older child who would like to practice listening to or reading directions.

Improve following directions, improving auditory comprehension & understand specific concepts. Although the app is targeted for that age group, it can used for younger and older children. The app can be modified according to level, concepts, order of concepts, tracking progress, touch vs. drag and superstar direction.

  1. An inventive way to make this app more engaging is to give your Bluebee Pal the job of giving the child the directive. Getting Bluebee Pal taking the lead in this activity can help motivate a child and keep them engaged in the activity.
  2. If you want the child to concentrate solely on the auditory direction, move the electronic device (e.g. iPhone, iPad, etc.) away from child and let Bluebee take the stage with giving directives. Try this activity in a group! Encourage each child to take turns in listening carefully to Bluebee Pal’s directive before moving on to another student.


*Bluebee PalsVoice to a Non-Verbal Child* Povides Sensory Input * Facilitates Social Skills* Pretend Play and Imaginative Play* Communication skills* Providing Positive Reinforcement *Emotional Connection.


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