Sono Flex Lite is an excellent AAC app for communication and that
empowers individuals and the teams around them. It that can be downloaded for free and can give you access to an extensive vocabulary for those individuals that have complex communication needs. The app comes with voice output, a core page set and context pages that help facilitate communication with a specific situation/activity such as circle time, art, dress up,etc. Sono Flex Lite gives you the ability to navigate, create sentences and spell for communication. When you download the full version of Sono Flex, you get the ability to edit, add contexts to you vocabulary page set and modify .

Here are some ideas on using this versatile and extensive free AAC app with your Bluebee Pal!

1. Circle Time: If you are a teacher, circle time is a daily occurrence in the classroom. Sono Flex Lite comes with the
context of circle time with related vocabulary and core words. Have your Bluebee Pal participate in circle time! Have the child use Sono Flex Lite with their Bluebee Pal to indicate attendance (e.g. “I’m here!”), weather, the day of the week and the month. Practice basic feelings and requests using the core and fringe vocabulary available. Are you aparent? Try this activity at home to help carry over skills from school to home.
context of circle time with related vocabulary and core words. Have your Bluebee Pal participate in circle time! Have the child use Sono Flex Lite with their Bluebee Pal to indicate attendance (e.g. “I’m here!”), weather, the day of the week and the month. Practice basic feelings and requests using the core and fringe vocabulary available. Are you aparent? Try this activity at home to help carry over skills from school to home.
2. Dress up! Dress up your Bluebee Pal. Get access to either baby clothing or large doll clothing to engage in this
activity. For a parent or SLP, this can be a great opportunity to play dress upwith your child/student. Have your child request specific clothes and items through the “dress up” context using core and fringe vocabulary (“I need hat”, “I need yellow socks”, “I need help”,etc.). This can be a fun and engaging activity in a variety of settings. This will also give your child the opportunity to create sentences and engage in symbolic play. If the clothing is too big or too small, encourage the child to access the “describe” page and indicate
“little” or “big”.
activity. For a parent or SLP, this can be a great opportunity to play dress upwith your child/student. Have your child request specific clothes and items through the “dress up” context using core and fringe vocabulary (“I need hat”, “I need yellow socks”, “I need help”,etc.). This can be a fun and engaging activity in a variety of settings. This will also give your child the opportunity to create sentences and engage in symbolic play. If the clothing is too big or too small, encourage the child to access the “describe” page and indicate
“little” or “big”.