“Oisín in Tír na nÓg” is a beautiful retelling of an Irish folktale by Celtana. This interactive storybook app is currently on GooglePlay and is not available in the American iOS store. Hopefully, it will return there soon as these stories need not only to be told but also passed down for future generations too. Folktales help us all learn about the world and the lessons learned to guide us on along the way.


In this app, there is an interplay between the narration and art (by Aga Grandowicz) that implies both the present yet invokes the past that makes this tale timeless. And pairing this app with Bluebee is sublime! The app is narrated by native speakers, and hearing it through Bluebee is as if you were taken back to a magical time when all stories were real.

The Story

This is the story of a young warrior named Oisín. He is a warrior of Fianna, “who could ride his horse like the wind”.  One fine day while he was out riding, he met the beautiful Naimh, who took him back to her world beyond the western seas in the land of Tír na nÓg (the Land of Eternal Youth – where no one feels pain or ages). They were quite happy together, and although he loved Naimh, he longed to go to see his father one last time. Naimh gave him her blessing but warned him of the passage of time in his homeland. Sadly, Oisín slips from his horse and ages accordingly to the present time, never to see Naimh or Tír na nÓg again. Here the lesson of how things change is presented and teaches us about appreciating the here and now.

Oisin in Tir na nOg and read by Bluebee would be a grand way of presenting the tales of Ireland to young ones. By discovering the stories and cultures of others, it brings us closer together. Allow your child and Bluebee to be Oisin and gallop like the wind, complete with a bike helmet crown and cardboard sword in hand!

Jo Booth OTR/L has been an Occupational Therapist for over 35 years, and currently practices at EasterSeals of SEPA, Montgomery County Division mainly focusing on Early Intervention. It is an APS (Approved Private School) and home outreach based setting. She has also worked in Adolescent and Adult Rehabilitation. Writing reviews have been a tremendous opportunity and experience to share and learn with others.


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