400x40000bbThe Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin by OceanHouse Media is about a little pumpkin that just doesn’t quite fit in with the other “rounder” pumpkins. He is taunted and teased and left out of many of the pumpkin games because he couldn’t roll like the others. But once a great storm harbors down on the pumpkin patch, putting all in peril, Spookley’s special attributes help save the day. As the farmer took note of little Spookley’s courage, he then planted his patch the next year with Spookley’s seeds. And what to his surprise were a Rainbow of Spookley’s heirs in all sizes and colors for the world to see. This is a wonderful story to learn about tolerance and appreciating those around us who may be different. This version of Spookley stays true to the book, and the illustrations are absolutely beautifully rendered in watercolor. Narration is over the top fun, and a little spooky – just right for Holiday Readings.


The book is a “Classic” iPad book, created during the early years of use, and stands the passage of time. Not all the typical options are available but include all the one’s we have grown to expect from a quality app: Read by Myself, Auto Read and Have the Book Read to Me – where a child is in charge of the pacing. I would love the option to keep the sound effects, but to be able to turn off the music. Words are highlighted as read, giving emergent readers a boost in reading with siblings or to a parent. In addition, there is an option to read the book using your voice and recording it. This would be a fun activity for a grandparent or relative that is far away. To record their voice or read the book aloud using Bluebee’s phone feature, would be a delight for all involved. My lion, Hoxworth III, loves this book, and I am sure your Bluebee will too!

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