The attention span for a 3-4-year-old is typically 3-8 minutes. Of course if truly motivated by an activity kids may focus and engage for longer, but respect a child’s right to say “All Done”. All done may be after finishing or cleaning up, but then end the activity. Picking up an activity later is always an option, and many times may happen 5 minutes later! Presenting kids with choices and decisions helps them recall directions and rules. It also empowers them to repeat play and to experiment with their behaviors and responses. In addition, providing choices supports a child to be an independent and lifelong learner. Children at the age of 3-4 love challenges and testing out their new-found abilities. 3-4-year-olds base what they know on information obtained through direct experience.  Asking a child to help you with practical life tasks encourages them to recall the steps of an activity, and therefore they begin to rehearse the steps needed to memory. Simple turn-taking games teach waiting flexibility, and the ability to retain directives.  3-4-year-olds also need to win most of the time when playing games, as they have difficulty shifting between concepts and ideas.

These are all great apps to use with Bluebee pals for 3-4-year-olds. They facilitate skills that are developmentally appropriate to expand a child’s ability to interact and learn from their world. Because children at this age have blurred lines between fantasy and reality, it doesn’t matter if the app itself is paired with their Bluebee Pal. Bluebee is a loyal and trusted friend you can share your thoughts, feelings and in addition, someone to bear witness to your newly discovered talents. So, “When an app doesn’t pair, don’t despair!” Children will benefit from both. Saying “Bluebee wants to watch and learn from you”, is not only empowering by a child taking on a leadership role but also of tremendous benefit for self-confidence. And that is what turns child’s play into the making of a ready learner.

3-4 Year-olds



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